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par excellence

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par excellence Empty par excellence

Bài gửi  nuretry Tue May 31, 2011 3:08 am

par excellence

But these truths were not the less essential parts of Christianity, because excluded from the teaching of men who called themselves orthodox. The auimnortant tonics or numan aenravitv. conviction oi sin, conversion to God, faith, sanctification, justification, &c.. are here alluded to. and are inseparable from the mmi leading doctrine oi tne uonemenz. it is atso obvious that the services of the Church of England, are all so composed as fully to recognise them throughout. Its Tory Burch Outlet confessions, neuuons. ana tnansgmngs ever? wnere siinnose an acknowledgment 01 tnem. out, as tnougn the spint of those bygone times of dearth and dreariness were inventing fresh weapons for mastery again, we are told by men calling themselves Churchmen, par excellence. tnat tne nrevaning notion 01 onnging forward the Atonement explicitly and prominently on all occasions. is evidently ciuite onnosed to wnat tnev consider the teaching of Scripture, nor do they find any sanction for it in Tory Burch Reva Flats the Gospels.' And they add, " if the Epistles of St. Paul appear to favour it. it is only at first sight. Let these learned theologians only put the arguments of this Apostle, in his Epistle to the Romans, into a logical formthey are Oxford men. and ought to know howand they will find their skill wonderfully baffled 11 tnev attemnt to maice trooo tneir nastv assertion, notwithstanding what thev have said on this point, they are omiged to admit tnat •• tne wnoie ot ot. rams nte ana actions after nis conversion, Tory Burch Sale ana Tory Burch Flats tne wnoie or nis teaming as appears from the Epistles, may be said to havebeen nothing else but a setting forth of Christ crucified, as the one great principle which absorbed all his heart and actuated all his conduct.' They allow also, that the words he uses " imply the Atonement; but " it is a very different view, and in fact the opposite to the modern notion, that St. Paul always intends by it.' What, then, do they suppose he does intend by it? They assert that what he means, " is the necessity of being crucified to the world, our humiliation together with him. mortification of the flesh, being made conformable to his death.' So this is the Atonement, whereby God s justice is satisfied.


Tổng số bài gửi : 3
Join date : 31/05/2011

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